sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007

"Go on, Get out of your armchair"

A Comissão Europeia e a UEFA iniciaram uma campanha que visa a promoção da actividade física nos hábitos quotidianos dos cidadãos europeus através de uma campanha publicitária de TV. A mensagem publicitária incentiva assim os espectadores a sair dos sofás e ser fisicamente activo, com o slogan "Go on, get out of your armchair' ("Vá em frente, saia do seu sofá"). Esta campanha tem como público alvo os adeptos de futebol, uma vez que sendo transmitida a título gratuito durante o intervalo dos jogos pela estação televisiva da Champions League jogos de futebol, chegaria a milhões de europeus. Deste modo, segundo Markos Kyprianou (comissário da UE para a Saúde) "(...) através desta campanha publicitária de TV, pretende-se ajudar os espectadores a compreender melhor a importância do exercício físico nos hábitos de vida saudável e encorajá-los a introduzir a actividade física nas suas rotinas diárias ", como forma de combater a Obesidade na Europa.

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Anónimo disse...

First of all apologies for the external invasion of the blog! For starters I shall just say that whilst I propose not be an aficionado of nutrition, I am one of football!

If football can expel the virtues of better physical education, then all the better for it. It is a global game with a global following whereby millions of kids and indeed some adults idolise the players. The platform is there for the message to be disseminated.

Upon seeing the UEFA advert, or rather joint advert with the European Commission, I felt the need to comment. How relevant or irrelevant this maybe.

It was very pleasing to see and read that UEFA are tackling (no pun intended) the issue head on with the 30 second advert. It is important that high profile organisations, especially ones with a social responsibility as UEFA, are prominent in the re-education.

Football is not simply a matter of scoring a goal, it is in its very essence a social and cultural practice. Football has a responsibility to the community and society in helping it to progress. It has made enormous strides over the decades in irradiating racism in football. Its next task is nutrition.

I hope the advert has the desired affect and develops a better understanding of both the culture of food and the culture of physical exercise in Europe and the UK. How well received the advert will be, remains to be seen. Will the ‘pub culture’ of Britain for example, take any notice or just laugh it off as a funny advert? Will the parents as they sit down for dinner during the games take any notice? Only time will tell. But at least it is a start.

I also hope that FIFA the world governing body of football; see this initiative and are urged to promote a similar message for the wider, global community.

The local football bodies such as the FA in England do more to promote this message. At present they have a link up with McDonalds to promote physical education and nutrition, however this seems a slight contradiction in the development of nutrition. I don’t believe the fast food giant has a case in promoting a healthy diet.

Finally a quote from Mark Hulse FA exercise scientist: ‘if you don’t get into habits during training, you won’t be able to do it during games’. Taking it out of the football analogy, what goes on at home has an affect outside. Better food intake starts at home.



Anónimo disse...

Thank you very much for the excellent comment rich! Yes indeed you are right: football is much more than it may seem at first and influences so many aspects of society! It is certainly a clever issue to promote healthy eating through football!

We hope the advert IS well received but I guess only time will tell! Meanwhile we shall try to find more ways of improving habits! I think we are heading the right way :)

Thank you once again

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